A Electirizer causes Electabuzz to evolve into Electivire when traded while holding it. Can also be bought at the Battle Tree for 32BP. In Seafolk Village, from the man in the Huntail ship in the southwest. A Dubious Disc causes Porygon2 to evolve into Porygon-Z when traded while holding it. Dubious Discįrom Faba after battling him at Aether Paradise (1F: Entrance), after becoming Champion. A Dragon Scale causes Seadra to evolve into Kingdra when traded while holding it. Is also sometimes held by wild Dragonair, which can be called in SOS Battles by Dratini (found by fishing in Poni Gauntlet, Poni Meadow, and Vast Poni Canyon). Dragon ScaleĬan be bought at the Battle Tree for 32BP. A Deep Sea Tooth causes Clamperl to evolve into Huntail when traded while holding it. Deep Sea ToothĬan be bought at the Battle Tree for 32BP. A Deep Sea Scale causes Clamperl to evolve into Gorebyss when traded while holding it. An Ice Stone causes the following Pokémon to evolve:Ĭan be bought at the Battle Tree for 32BP. Can also be found during the "Path for Brilliant-Stone Hunting!" mission on Isle Aphun in Poké Pelago. In Po Town, on the north side of the pool, accessed from the southwest door on 1F of the Shady House. A Dawn Stone causes the following Pokémon to evolve: In Hau'oli City Beachfront, from Guzma after defeating him (first talk to him in his house on Route 2), after becoming the Champion. A Dusk Stone causes the following Pokémon to evolve: In Poni Wilds, at the bottom of the water west of the northernmost rock on the beach (requires Lapras Paddle/Sharpedo Jet). A Shiny Stone causes the following Pokémon to evolve: On Ancient Poni Path, in the north in an alcove west of the Vast Poni Canyon entrance. A Sun Stone causes the following Pokémon to evolve: On Blush Mountain, in the southwest corner across the field of grass. A Moon Stone causes the following Pokémon to evolve:
On Route 13, on the west side of the pond.

On Route 8, underwater southwest of where Wimpod can be found (requires Lapras Paddle/Sharpedo Jet). A Fire Stone causes the following Pokémon to evolve: In Diglett's Tunnel, north of the stairs in the west area (requires Tauros Charge). Both evolutionary items and stones are consumed upon the Pokémon's Evolution.

The difference between these two is that an evolutionary stone is used on a Pokémon and then causes instant Evolution, while an evolutionary item is held by a Pokémon and then causes Evolution when a certain event happens, such as if the Pokémon is traded or leveled up. One of these ways is by evolutionary stone or item. Pokémon can evolve in many different ways. Walkthroughs Evolutionary Stone and Item Locations